Saturday, May 17, 2014

sales manager training

If you need more sales, you need better sales coaching

If you’re committed to a high performance sales culture; improving sales coaching this is the number one leverage point for driving better sales behaviours throughout yourbusiness.This is why our solution focuses on empowering sales managers to be better sales coaches.

Traditional sales coaching training programs are failing. That’s why our solution goes beyond just training sales coaching and provides your sales managers with everything they need to coach and embed high performance sales behaviours and skills across your entire sales team.

A “true north” approach to delivering coaching excellence on a consistent basis --------

Consistently good beats occasionally and sporadically great. Most coaching initiatives
fail because they overcomplicate coaching and fail to provide for the ongoing needs of
sales managers once the “training course” has been completed.

Our coaching culture model provides an easy to understand  approach to coaching that promotes consistent application of the fundamentals and removes complexity. We believe the transition from manager to coach requires only three consistently executed activities on the part of the sales manager.

This simplification makes it easier to drive sales coaching throughout your business and ensure that sustained coaching of the coaches can be executed internally or with our assistance.

SalesITV makes it easier for senior leaders to drive coaching from top down and engage their
sales managers in meaningful, credible and relevant coaching. If you would like to know more about the Coaching Culture Model contact us on 02 8306 7777 and we’ll be happy to explain
how other large and
small clients have adopted it successfully.